
Case Study

Baseline study and Monitoring System for Governance and Human Rights Programme


The GHR’s vision of success is that marginalised women and men will be able to claim their rights from duty bearers, that duty bearer will respond and that they will implement pro-poor and socially just laws, policies and practices.



5 districts of Odisha (Gajapati, Kandhamal, Rayagada, Koraput, and Malkangiri)


Trócaire needed to determine the level of awareness of the target groups – rural marginalised households in south Orissa focusing on dalits and tribals in general, and women from both groups in particular – with regard to their rights (Women’s/MGNREGA/PESA), access to these rights and action taken on violation of rights. Since the programme is implemented through seven NGO partners (BKS, SEARCH, HARMONY, Jana Vikas, SFDC, CWS, and NAWO), Trócaire also wanted to know the value it added to the partners and partners capacity on Governance and Human Rights.


Participatory action research involving all stakeholders of the GHR programme—Community, CBOs, Partners, Consultants and Trocaire. The research questions focussed on assessing Awareness, Access and Action (AAA):

  • Awareness level of citizen’s on three rights focussed by the programme
  • Access of citizen to duty bearers for claiming rights
  • Action taken on violation of right in past
  • Likelihood of action in the near future to claim rights


Sampling: A multi-stage simple random sampling method to cover Ethnicity and access parameters. Atleast 10% of the project villages were covered to carry out the participatory exercises with women only groups and mixed groups separately.

Tools: The following Participatory research tools were used
1. Citizen’s awareness, access and action (AAA) was captured using three participatory learning and action (PLA) techniques including:

  • Visual Apperception (Awareness)
  • Chapati Diagrams (Access)
  • Story Telling (Action)

The participant’s responses were captured in a reporting format prepared by the researchers. Key findings from the analysis were presented in tables and charts.

2. CBO capacity Tool to assess the CBO capacity index of the CBOs as agents of change derived from their performance on three dimensions—Gender and inclusiveness, Influence, and Management capacities. Scores were assigned by the partners, and an index was created for each partner on the reported scores on the three dimensions. An aggregate CBO capability index encompassing all the partners was also created. The results of the CBO capacity tool were presented for each partner as a triangular radar chart with each vertex representing one dimension.

3. Partner Capacity Tool identify the level of influence of the partners (base level, contributor level, Mobiliser level, Leader, Authority) through their overall impact score derived from three dimensions— Influence with government, Supporting citizen action, Gender equality. The tool was used in two stages.

In the first stage, partners did a self-assessment and reflected on the positioning of their organization with respect to the different levels. In the second stage, Trócaire had an in-depth and semi-structured interaction with partners and placed partners on five levels of performance under each dimension.


1. Macro level:

  • Revisiting the indicators for monitoring and revising the results
    framework for Trócaire India GHR programme monitoring
  • Trócaire Global GHR programme was informed by India GHR participatory baseline approach
  • Capacity building support to Trócaire HQ and other GHR programme countries on adaptation of the tools to their local contexts (in Ireland)

2. Meso level:

  • Capacity building support to partners in:

a. strengthening their process and output monitoring
b. strengthening CBO effectiveness monitoring

3. Micro level:

  • Baseline report informed managers and donors regarding the GHR programme, which highlighted the need for a more focused engagement with CBOs in order to strengthen their capacities in representing communities
  • Use of baseline tools annually to provide feedback to the GHR programme about the effectiveness of the partners strategies/competencies and CBO performance



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