World No Tobacco Day 2020: Tobacco addiction is as bad as COVID-19

Today as the world grapples with COVID-19, smoking is the worst thing one can do to one’s body. It impairs lung function, reduces body’s immunity, and makes it difficult to fight off the virus. On May 11, the World Health Organization (WHO) released a statement indicating smokers are more likely to develop severe disease with […]

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International Nurses Day: Respect to the Heart of the Healthcare System

Sumeeta (name changed on request), a senior nurse at an exclusive COVID hospital in Bhubaneswar, has been working continuously for the last 12 days. She will serve for 10 more days before taking a short break. Earlier she used to work in eight-hour shifts, but now she works for about 16 hours before calling it […]

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A Tribute to Corona Warriors for Their Service and Courage

On April 30, when Dr. Prerna (name changed) returned home after 20 days of continuous work she was moved by the rousing welcome from her family members and neighbors, the video of which was widely circulated in social media. Prime Minister Narendra Modi applauded her and retweeted the video. Shortly afterwards, the government paid a […]

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10th Panchayati Raj Diwas: How panchayats are preparing to win the fight against COVID-19

On April 24, 2020, as we celebrate the 10th Panchayati Raj Diwas, we are fighting an invisible enemy that has affected 210 countries and infected more than 27.1 lakh people and claimed the lives of almost 2 lakh people around the world. Prime Minister Narendra Modi won international acclaim for his leadership and proactive measures […]

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No Smoking Day: Quit Smoking and Build a Healthy Odisha

Addiction to smoking is one of the worst things that can happen to someone. It kills slowly and steadily. Just one cigarette shortens one’s life expectancy by 11 minutes and is bad enough to start the habit. It causes serious health conditions such as heart disease, stroke, several types of cancer, pneumonia, bronchitis, among others. […]

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SDRC Celebrates Holi 2020 with theme ‘Herbal Colours for Social Change’

One of the best things about our work culture is that we celebrate all festivals with pomp and ceremony. So, how could we not have celebrated the festival of colours – Holi? Our rocking SDRCians would never miss the opportunity to have fun with colours. When we create a snapshot, infographic, factsheet, or an app, […]

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An Eventful Saturday!

It’s gives a reason to celebrate when some team members attend public events and represent the organization. Two of our team members did that today and we certainly couldn’t have asked for a better Saturday! Our research associate Anila Kumar Panda attended a learning session conducted by YouthBank International at Gram Vikas Conference Hall. Using […]

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A Sunday Well Spent by SDRCians

How do SDRCians spend their Sunday? Well, like all well-balanced professionals they spend quality time with their families, play sports, pursue their hobbies, eat healthy, unwind, and of course prepare for a productive week ahead. The last Sunday (Feb. 9), however, some SDRCians went beyond their comfort zone and call of duty to learn new […]

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